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Tips for Staying Safe as We Prepare to #GetBackOutThere

JULY, 2020

Now, more than ever, safety is at the forefront of everyone’s minds. When your area begins to reopen, and you are able to get back to your favorite activities, we want you to be prepared and take all of the necessary precautions to do so safely. Here are some tips that the Bern team plans to use once we are able to #GetBackOutThere:

Plan Ahead

Before you head out to bike a local trail, or skate at your favorite park, make sure it is open and if there are any restrictions that might prohibit you from enjoying your experience. If it is closed, have a backup plan. If it is a popular destination, consider a less-densely populated area to avoid unnecessary interaction. Also, prepare for facilities to be closed by packing plenty of water and lunch.

Continue to Practice Social Distancing

If you are headed out with friends, keep the group small, and continue to keep 6+ feet apart whenever possible. Bring your mask with you so you have it readily available for when appropriate social distancing is not possible. If you are sick, stay home.

Take Precautions

Consider choosing lower-risk activities to reduce your risk of injury to consider the high-volume healthcare professionals are already facing right now. Stay local and keep in mind the impact your visit may have on that community.

Disinfect Whenever Possible

It never hurts to disinfect everything you and other people may touch. Especially if you are using bike or scooter shares, always disinfest the handlebars and other high-touch areas before you ride. Also consider your helmet straps and buckle since these touch your face after touching other surfaces. Lastly, don’t forget the pay meter buttons or bike locks! Dispose of your cleaning supplies properly – protect our outdoors so we can continue to enjoy it!

Have a Safety Gear Checklist:

  • Bern Helmet
  • Mask
  • Hand Sanitizer or Disinfectant
  • Water
  • Snacks

Media Contact: Quarter Horse PR, (646) 627-3644
